Friday, May 16, 2014

A Dream Since Early Childhood - Part 2

My adult life has been an ultra busy whirlwind. Yet, from time to time, all through the years, I have often thought about my idea for a tiny community of tiny houses to give a place to people that didn't have a home, a chance to have a little roof over their head, plant their feet and start all over again. I can actually still picture one of the layouts (my favorite) on one of my old graph paper pages.

In my early adulthood, when I began working a job on our farthest West side of town (I seldom ever went that far that way), I got so excited one day! There, just back a little off the road, was a row of Tiny Little Houses just like the ones I had always pictured in my head! I don't know what they were originally intended for, but at present, they look like low income housing. As tiny as they were, families with children were milling about, looking happy to have a home. But it looked so hot, yet cold, there, as there was so much concrete and asphalt all around those tiny little houses. That was not in my image. Trees, flowers, and very productive vegetable gardens all around is what I have envisioned.

Lately, it has come to our attention, the drastically growing number of homeless of all walks and ages, coupled with a shameful lack of resources in our area for them. It just makes you want to cry, even if you don't know them. I had been trying and trying to figure out how I could best help them. Just handing them money and/or stuff doesn't feel like enough. I want to do something to help them get back on track, not just float along. Then I thought, why not bring that lifelong dream/vision I of mine to life, right here on my 5 acres!

We have Dave's much bigger farm where we are setting up our self-sustaining farm and the big gardens. So why not use my 5 acres to start an Eco Village of tiny little houses to home the homeless and aid in getting them back on their feet? I have no idea how we are going to do this. We have not near enough money at this time for ourselves, much less to build tiny houses and start a village (heck, we are still trying to get our own tiny house built), but maybe if we let people start with tents and work up from there, it will all eventually fall into place. You have to start somewhere, right?

I have had this dream, coupled with a hard drive to make it happen, ever since I was a little girl. Lately, the drive has become much, much harder. I am over halfway to 100, now and not getting any younger, so the time has finally come to do this, if I am going to do it. Again, I have no idea how we are ever going to accomplish this, but we have decided to just take baby steps with it, go with the flow, continue to dream, and brainstorm, let God guide us through, and enjoy watching it all fall into place. I am so excited and have such a great feeling about all of this. Although I have no idea how we could possibly ever accomplish this enormous task, and I can foresee quite a few obstacles in the way, I can feel, way down deep inside . . . . that my childhood dream is finally going to become a reality!

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